5 Tips to Write the Most Effective Thesis Title

5 Tips to Write the Most Effective Thesis Title

They say content is the king, but perhaps not always true for a research paper or Ph. D thesis which embodies a rigorously generated, enriched and enlightened research content. When you publish PhD thesis as book, more so, you have to keep in mind, that along with your content, your book Title, keywords, blurb etc. need to be interesting and attractive too, so that your research thesis can be marketed well and you can reach your audience faster. Even if its in research form, research Title is a very important component of the paper. Those researches which do not have a clear descriptive title are likely to be passed over.

There are few tips which you can keep in mind to write an effective research title:

Do not use unnecessary words or components that are irrelevant to the research scope- The Title need to be descriptive, but remember, it is the title of your research, not the entire paper. Avoid using jargons. There can be a list of things to avoid in a research title like punctuations (e.g. comma, question mark and semi-colon), abbreviations, chemical formulas, vague terms, uncommon words or anything that is not self-explanatory.

Make sure your title does the following 4 – The title of your research should a) describe the topic b) describe the method c) the sample and d) the results in your study. When you publish your phd thesis as a book, a proper descriptive title which explains all the important parts of your research can be very helpful in catching the attention of your readers.

The Title should be attractive but also define the purpose of research- It is imperative to formulate a Title which will be interesting and attractive, i.e. something buzzing and trendy to attract immediate attention, but should also explain the purpose of research, i.e. it should be indicative of why your research is important for the society. E.g. “Meditation makes nurses perform better: a qualitative study of mindfulness meditation among German nursing students”. In this title, you can see the first part explains the purpose of study, has all the keywords to target the prospective readers and also gives an idea of the methods used in the study.

Use the right Keywords- These days, findings something is not difficult because everything is on the web. But that finding can become too rigorous for readers, if your study doesn’t have the right keywords in the title, because this is the age of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Do a basic research of what are trending on the popular search engines before you decide a title for your research or when you publish your phd thesis as a book. Right keywords facilitate finding your research easily. When your research is found easily, it gets better visibility and citation.

Keep research title compatible to journal guidelines- When you submit your research or thesis or book manuscript for review to different journals and publishers, each of them has their own guidelines and format rules for paper title. Read them carefully. Of course it isn’t possible to change your research title multiple times, but prepare a title which will meet most of the common criteria in these journals or publishers.

Building a research takes lot of hard work and dedication from author’s end. It can be beneficial for readers too, but many a times, good researches also miss the mark or are overlooked because they aren’t appealing enough. Here, comes the title of research and if you create the title following the above rules, things will become much easier.

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