10 latest Online Courses to Improve Your Career

10 latest Online Courses to Improve Your Career

10 latest Online Courses to Improve Your Career

Online courses are important in our current lives of indoor work and home-based careers. Even in the life of an academician, online courses can be a great way of career progression, especially if you are enrolled in research, online courses can give you the best feed to publish your thesis in the field of your study. However, finding the right course can be a hard way out

Here are 10 most useful online courses to progress your career-

  1. Learn Javascript by Code Academy– This is a rising online education platform mostly focused on technology courses. This course specializes in preaching the basics to complex of JavaScript coding. JavaScript is the most powerful and versatile coding language in computers, whose prospects are endless when it comes to job environment. With more than 2,847,635 students already enrolled in the course, it is enriched with the best of theoretical and hands on coding experience. It takes approx. 20hrs to complete.
  2. Career Success Specialization by Coursera– This envelops a series of courses targeted to improve your skills on employability. Sometimes, its not about the product, but about how you promote it; that requires learning too. It is essential to know the strategies for cracking an interview, being visible in an organization, knowing the basics of organizational culture and project management. It takes approx. 11 months to complete. It can be the first step to becoming an MBA.
  3. Tangible Things: Discovering History through Artworks, Artifacts, Scientific Specimens, and the Stuff around You by Harvard via edX- It is an interdisciplinary course focused on art and culture. If you publish your thesis with historic works associated with period eras and want to understand the curated forms of museums, you are at the right place. Because the world is beyond just machines, Harvard has formulated this course to provide a fresh perspective of the world and life. It’s free and takes approx. 10 weeks to complete.
  4. Introduction to Python by Data Camp– We have to abide by programming when it comes to learning and careers these days. Python is a currently growing programming language that has immense potential for technology geeks. Someone who wants to enter the world of technology without any knowledge of coding can benefit immensely; also those who are into studying python and want to understand it the easy way. It a free course of 4 hrs, comprising of 11 videos and 57 exercises.
  5. Create a Social Media Marketing Campaign by Future Learn– If there is something besides coding, its social media. Everything is being controlled by these virtual entities. Social media possibly has all our data, and is the most powerful tool controlling our lives. To know how it works, and how we can use it in our favor to learn, to grow our business or just have fun, we can resort to this particular course. In fact, if you are into media studies, this course can prove extremely important to publish your thesis.
  6. Introduction to Storytelling by Khan Academy– One of the most renowned platforms in online courses, Khan Academy is here to preach about stories; this one is for budding writers and authors who want to establish themselves in the book-writing and publishing industry. Plot construction to narrative technique to character sketch, the course is in the entirety of writing, which will help you to create a fictional world. The course can also help recover from writer’s block and get your stream of consciousness flowing.
  7. How to Plan for Perfect Retirement by the Great Courses– Its all about how we plan our finances. Financial studies is probably the most underrated subject in school, colleges and universities, but probably the most essential and interesting topic for real life management, and business organizations. We work to earn so that we can have a comfortable living. However, proper financial planning and investments guarantee a secure return, even when we are not employable. A lesson that you can not only use to improve your career, but also secure your future. Comprise of 12 modules on how you can secure your income and return.
  8. Introduction to Programming by Udacity– we are back to technology. The most benefit of online courses is being extracted by software developers who are new in the industry. They can use these courses as boot camps to enter the game of software, which, at current times is providing a huge return on investment. No coding experience is needed, and the course takes approx. 4 months to complete.

9. Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science by Udemy– Data Science and Machine Learning are the upcoming future of technology and world reformation. There is 44-hours on-demand videos and 73 articles to cover your learning of statistical understanding with Python and R technologies. You will learn robust machine learning strategies that can help if you are a graduate student of data science as well.

10. Business Analysis Foundations by LinkedIn– LinkedIn being a newbie in the online course concept is promising you a deep understanding to laying your own business. Great course for people planning a start up or business consultation practices. LinkedIn being the largest platform for employers and employees, promises the best knowledge of business foundations for their students. Good for business analysts who want to prevent project failures.

Therefore, now you know where to choose from if you want to advance your career with online courses. Best of luck, and go ahead with your dreams!

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